Use these interactive data tools to track changing trends in unemployment fpr U.S. workers from January 2019 into the COVID-19 pandemic. The data tools display unemployment rates for U.S.-born and immigrant workers by gender, race/ethnicity, educational attainment, and industry—and allow users to compare shifting unemployment over time between different groups.

These interactive charts visualize changing immigration patterns and characteristics of the immigrant population in the United States over time. Topics covered include: legal immigration flows, naturalization trends, immigrants' countries and regions of birth; diaspora groups; children in immigrant families; immigrants in the U.S. labor force; Limited English Proficient (LEP) population; and age and gender distribution of immigrants.

Use this unique data tool to learn about unauthorized immigrant populations in the U.S. and by state and for top counties. Get detailed data profiles for the United States, 41 states (plus the District of Columbia), and the 135 counties with the largest unauthorized populations. The profiles include data on countries of origin, recency of arrival, places of settlement, educational and workforce characteristics, English proficiency, health care coverage, income, and more.