Riot Medicine

First Edition (4dec5cd)

H˚akan Geijer 2020-05-12

CopyrightThe contents of this book are public domain under a Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal license. However, individual images may have other copyrights, so check carefully before reusing any of them.

Other Licenses

CC BY-SA 3.0 FR Figure 11.7CC BY-SA 4.0 Figure 11.9, Figure 12.6, Figure 12.8, and Fig-ure 12.10; all illustrations by Audrey Huff, Cat Paris, Citriii, snailsnail, and ZER0COILiiDisclaimerThis will provide an overview of the knowledge needed to provide ba- sic medical care during protests and civil unrest using incomplete and improvised equipment. This book is not a substitute for professional medical training, so you are strongly encouraged to supplement the knowledge from this book with outside resources.Additionally, the legality of protest, practice of medicine, and their intersections varies from region to region, so there will be no attempt to make absolute statements about what is legal or illegal. Statements about the law are meant to guide you in the right direction, however they are not qualified legal advice. It is up to you to research the political and legal climate where you will be operating and make your own decisions.

iiiAcknowledgementsThis book was not the product of one individual, and I extend my gratitude to those who provided illustrations, taught me, inspired me, and gave me encouraging words. My thanks go out to the following (in alphabetical order):



This book is dedicated to all the medicsall over the worldwho have risked life and limb to care for those injuredin the struggle for liberation.viTable of Contents