
Up! - We Automate boring social network stuff for you. Start to get followers for free without any coding skills.

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Automate social network with your browser!

Yes, we moved Instabot to the browser. No coding skills needed! Just our extension.

This browser extension can help you to:

There are a lot of ways to automate your activity in social networks but you have to give them your credentials to allow them perform in-app activity for you. As a result you can eventually found yourself being subscribed to unknown people or even lose your account.

We found a hack that allowed to insert all automation scripts into a browser. As a result, we don’t need a backend and your private data - your passwords never left your browser. And we made this tool completely free and open source. Miracle? Reality!

If you find our free tool useful or just want more features available, please donate Paypal or become our Patron.
